Historical Book of Citizens of the Town Crivitz

Historisches Bürgerbuch der Stadt Crivitz (Historical Book of Citizens of the Town Crivitz), Transcription, 1772—1918

Jürgen Gramenz (Editor)
Halle/Saale 2011
Cardamina® Verlag Susanne Breuel
ISBN 978-3-86424-023-2
466 pages
DIN A4, hard cover

Purchase options:
Cardamina® Verlag
Lehmanns Media
Schweitzer Fachinformationen
Fachbuch Richter

Historical Book of Citizens of the Town Crivitz book cover Historical Book of Citizens of the Town Crivitz front page

This is the transcription of the historical book of citizens of the town Crivitz with the original title „Verzeichnis der Bürger in der Stadt Crivitz 1874“. The entries in the book are held in tabular form and cover the time period from 1772 to 1918. The original column names are „Jahr Monat Tag der Reception“, „Name und Alter sowie Character des recipierten Bürgers“ and „Geburtsort“. All other listed columns have been extracted from the given data. The entries are sorted by the initial letters of the last names and within each letter section in an ascending chronological order. The section for the letter I and J are put together within a common section. The letters X and Y don’t contain any entries. In earlier years only the age of the specific person was listed, later the date of birth. In later years if the person had more than one forename additionally to the date of birth the nickname was marked as well by underlining.
The original book is situated in the community center „Bürgerhaus Crivitz“ in the so called „Heimatstube“ of the local history society „Heimatverein Crivitz e.V.“.